Thursday, 28 January 2010

From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere (Dr Seuss)

Just discovered that I have to post my thoughts on blogs. Looking at the ever increasing number being created by my fellow '23 thingers' I must say that I am very impressed with what you can do with them. What a variety of backgrounds, images, clever twiddles and interesting snippets people write. They are not too hard to create, very easy to add to and fun to explore. I think I could be a happy blogger!

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

They say I'm old fashioned and live in the past, but sometimes I think progress progresses too fast! (Dr Seuss)

Well here we go... Setting up my Google ID. No worries apart from thinking of a memorable password that Google won't reject. Done. It is all very exciting. I now begin to progress... but not too fast...

Oh the things you can find if you don't stay behind (Dr Seuss)

Well I did it. So Laura was right! I managed to set up an iGoogle page and feel ridiculously proud that I managed it. It was even quite easy to add gadgets so now I'm uptodate with the Oxford weather, the time and date, quotes of the day, the BBC news and the gruesome images that YouTube seems to pause on. Joanna showed me how to move the image down so that it is out of sight and how to sort out my Google Bookmarks. Thanks Joanna! I changed my theme to mountains having skiied in the Alps for Christmas - a great reminder of a fun-filled family holiday.

As part of the SSL team I have discoverd that many of my colleagues are also doing Things too so somewhat by accident the chat function has also been investigated! An excellent way for me to keep in touch with those on the 'other side of the wall' and to find the support I need when I find myself in a pickle.

If you never did, you should. (Dr Seuss)

When I first heard about 23 Things I thought of Dr Seuss and the Cat in the Hat who has lots of Things to help him clear up the mess he makes.

Having high levels of anxiety about starting on new projects especially when they involve technology I was reassured by Laura that even I could do it. So here I am embarking on my Things, hopefully not needing additional Things to sort me out if I go horribly wrong! I hope to follow the programme and complete it successfully because I want to prove to myself that I can do it after all. I need to know what these things are if only to keep up with my scarily technologically savvy young sons. Surely if they can do then so can their old mum!

As I continue I will try to remember the remaining words from the Dr Seuss quote alluded to in the title: If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good.