Wow! Well that's a bit more useful. I wasn't convinced by Delicious for personal bookmarking yesterday but I can see how useful it would be in the library context. I am now itching to do something for my subject area! I investigated and added the VHL and HFL Delicious sites to my network, and toggled back and forth. It was much easier today, probably because I was excited by the task and its potential. I am also embarrassed to say that I was unaware of the OULS web 2.0 directory but I will now be exploring it further. Thanks!
I am not sure how Dr Seuss would feel about my addition to his quote but it seemed an appropriate tweak...
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Hi there, thanks for your post. Its good to keep up with whats going on.... I am aware of most of it but dont have the time to explore so this is useful as its making me! Hope you are well. Hannah